ThreeFold stories and project info - Foundation

Can a 'Democratized' Internet exist in times of a Cyber War? Picture

Can a 'Democratized' Internet exist in times of a Cyber War?

With cyber sovereignty turning into a non-territorial challenge to sovereignty itself irrespective of the virtual realm of the internet, is there a way out for humanity?

  • Sacha Obeegadoo

Sacha Obeegadoo

What is ThreeFold Farming? Picture

What is ThreeFold Farming?

A decentralized and energy-efficient way for people to expand a new Internet infrastructure.

  • Sacha Obeegadoo

Sacha Obeegadoo

Building a New Internet From the Ground Up – Part 4: Network Picture

Building a New Internet From the Ground Up – Part 4: Network

We're (finally) back with part 4, looking at the networking aspects of the ThreeFold Grid.

  • Scott Yeager

Scott Yeager

Bridges Connecting the ThreeFold Ecosystem to External Networks Picture

Bridges Connecting the ThreeFold Ecosystem to External Networks

Since the launch of ThreeFold Grid 3.0, TFT is now available on three blockchains – Stellar, Binance Smart Chain and the Substrate-based ThreeFold Blockchain (aka TF Chain).

  • Sam Taggart

Sam Taggart

ThreeFold’s 2021 Review and 2022 Preview Picture

ThreeFold’s 2021 Review and 2022 Preview

It was an important year for ThreeFold, with huge developments on the ThreeFold Grid, the continued expansion of the grid by farmers, key partnerships, and more – all setting up for a strong 2022!

  • Sam Taggart

Sam Taggart

The ThreeFold Blockchain Picture

The ThreeFold Blockchain

The third release of the ThreeFold Grid represents a major step in the decentralization of the People’s Internet with the Smart Contract for IT coming to life on the ThreeFold Blockchain (aka “TF Chain”).

  • Sam Taggart

Sam Taggart