ThreeFold stories and project info - Foundation

Introducing Mycelium: A Platform for Conscious Decentralization Picture

Introducing Mycelium: A Platform for Conscious Decentralization

ThreeFold is implementing a planetary network, aiming to allow efficient, end-to-end encrypted communication with other participants on the network.

  • Lee Smet

Lee Smet

Rethinking Our Relationship with the Digital World Picture

Rethinking Our Relationship with the Digital World

The Internet has always been a canvas for human connection and creativity. Yet, there are cracks in the system and massive trade offs for all of us.

  • Sam Taggart

Sam Taggart

The Evolution Towards A More Secure, Private, And Sovereign Internet Picture

The Evolution Towards A More Secure, Private, And Sovereign Internet

Today, the Internet is a ubiquitous part of our daily lives, and it continues to evolve. As we continue to innovate and collaborate, we can build a better, more secure digital future for all.

  • Sam Taggart

Sam Taggart

A Power-Saving Feature on the Grid – For Our People and Our Planet Picture

A Power-Saving Feature on the Grid – For Our People and Our Planet

At the heart of ThreeFold’s mission is the benefit of the people & our planet. We aim to have a positive impact in the space of technology while keeping our ecological footprint low. Saving a maximum of energy has always been on our agenda. Now, with the rising bills of our farmers making it harder for them to keep on supporting the project, it became an even greater priority.

  • Sam Taggart

Sam Taggart

ThreeFold Today, Tomorrow, & Beyond Picture

ThreeFold Today, Tomorrow, & Beyond

There's no other project or technology out there like ThreeFold. Let's take a look at where we are and where we are going, together.

  • Sam Taggart

Sam Taggart

How would Decentralisation of the Internet help India? Picture

How would Decentralisation of the Internet help India?

While Indian internet usage ranks second in the world today behind China, with 43% of its total population online, this also means that there is still a lot of untapped potential.