đź”—This week marks a big step in the history of TomoChain and ThreeFold as both organizations join forces to work towards a common vision of a more sustainable and decentralized world.

The ThreeFold Grid’s peer-to-peer nature comes with many advantages for blockchains as it truly decentralizes their IT infrastructures and, enabling better performance, security, affordability, and sustainability, as compared to current centralized cloud alternatives.

TomoChain will invite their developer community and anyone interested in contributing to the TomoChain Blockchain, to connect and use the Threefold Grid. By deploying their Masternodes and workloads on the ThreeFold Grid, their developers will benefit from a more decentralized and affordable cloud offering and benefit from the autonomous execution of their workloads via ThreeFold’s Smart Contract for IT.

Anyone interested in being part of the TomoChain node ecosystem using the ThreeFold Grid would be highly encouraged to get started in a few steps following the documentation.

Furthermore, with the recent announcement of TomoChain’s DEX Protocol, TomoX, released, both organizations will also test the ThreeFold P2P Cloud solution to enable developers to build DEXs on top of TomoChain using ThreeFold’s truly decentralized IT infrastructure.

đź”—About Tomochain

TomoChain is a scalable blockchain, powered via Proof-of-Stake Voting consensus and used commercially by companies globally. The TomoChain blockchain and product ecosystem enable the development of high-performance blockchain projects that focus on decentralizing finance.

Their products include (1) a fast & near-zero Fees: 2000 TPS, 2-second block-time, and EVM compatible, and (2) an array of original features and protocols designed to support speed, privacy, usability, and liquidity needs all in one platform.

After a successful ICO in 2018, Tomochain experienced an incredible growth last year to become one of the most reputed blockchains of South East Asia, and globally. They now focus on their mission to accelerate the onboarding of millions of users by empowering today’s applications with technology that masks the friction of Blockchain, all while retaining its underlying benefits.

đź”—About ThreeFold

ThreeFold has developed the largest and most advanced peer-to-peer Internet grid in the world. They launched the ThreeFold Grid V2.0 in April 2020 - a more performant, private & secure, affordable, and sustainable solution than centralized cloud and internet providers.

With a collective and incentivized ecosystem of Farmers (independent Internet capacity providers) around the globe, the ThreeFold Grid is now open for developers to build on top of it and benefit from all the advantages that comes with it.

The ThreeFold Foundation aims to empower a more equal, autonomous (decentralized) and sustainable world, and does so by providing the necessary peer-to-peer technologies and infrastructure to the world, while incentivizing growth in developing regions.