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It's not by mistake that you're here, reading this post. You can feel that a global shift is happening. And you want to do something about it.
ThreeFold's open source technology powers the peer-to-peer Internet revolution that holds the premise to disrupt the global Internet in many ways.
As consumers, we should be able to trust that our data is truly safe and secure. And today, we cannot. It's time we stand up for what is ours.
The Smart Contract for IT allows you, your company or your community to execute the storage and running of your files and applications securely with consensus and automatic billing.
ThreeFold is building the engine for an Internet where people can finally be data autonomy.
To create a new Internet from scratch, ThreeFold had to start at the operating system level.
P2P systems are network, not linear or pyramidal hierarchies (though they may share some elements)..
Classic IT infrastructure setup is complex and is not cost-effective. Applications need a specific environment to operate in, built by integrating different technology components from different vendors. Elements of such a setup are operating systems, storage systems, networks, security systems, authentication systems, and more.
The truth is that ThreeFold is a big project. Here we will try to make things a little simpler for you.