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V3 Documentation
Is a blockchain truly decentralized if it is being hosted on a centralized solution? We say, no.
Somewhere in the Netherlands, a ThreeFold Farm is supporting the growth of vegetable crops such as tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers.
Today we are working with partners in the clean energy and network / connectivity to build the solutions that are needed to provide fair and uninterrupted internet access with all corners of the world.
The truth is that ThreeFold is a big project. Here we will try to make things a little simpler for you.
The ThreeFold Foundation is changing the way how "we" as a whole approach the internet and its underlying technology..
We probably don’t need to tell you that the invention of Blockchain technology changed the world dramatically..
In this article, we discuss the general concept of a ‘decentralized grid’ and how anyone can plug-in capacity to the ThreeFold Grid.
The Internet is no longer the neutral place it used to be. +80% of the Internet capacity is delivered by a handful of companies.
Mazraa is an independent Farming Cooperative based in Dubai UAE.